Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Never used to bring my troubles 

To anyone but myself

Never used to read by Bible on the dusty shelf

Never used to need forgiveness

I’d just harbor all the bitter

And I’d spit it out like venom, didn’t want your help

But one day I broke down crying

Under the weight of my own problems

And I knew I needed something so much better than my plan

Since I felt like dying

I gave my life to Jesus

He must’ve have heard me knocking, and let me in

I used to want be rich

Have more money than my father

To never have to work another day in my life

But God changed my heart entirely

Now I live my life more quietly

I place value in the richness of relationship

There’s a liberty in dying

To selfish motivation

When you give desires to Jesus they return improved

There’s a freedom that’s inspiring

Underneath the fount of blessing

        All it takes is a confession, give up your sin

When I was younger I was stronger

I thought I would live forever

I wanted fame and fortune to lift me up

But it all just came up empty

Until I realized there’s plenty

Of joy to go around up in eternity

So I set my eyes on Heaven

And I call upon my savior

He gave his life that I may see eternity

Eternity in Heaven

A goal grounded in foundation

Of the only God who gave His life to save my soul

Now that God has changed me

All those dreams I had so early

Wouldn’t want them back

I don’t have what the world wants

And I don’t have fame or fortune

Now I have something so much better than my plan

There’s a better way of living

And I say this from experience

Of a man who’s tried it both ways and lived to tell the tale

There’s a life worth living today

All you have to do is to say

“Jesus I’ll follow you, I’ll give up my way.”

By Royce Waxenfelter


Note: to the tune of “Love Like This” by Ben Rector

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