Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Parents

Taught me to be nice
Taught me to look at the big picture
Told me they were proud of me when I tried to do my best
Taught me how to forgive
Taught me to read
Laid down rules and expected me to go by them
Taught me that nothing was impossible for Jesus
Always let me sing and whistle
Taught me to be well rounded
Brought me along when they traveled
Taught me the difference between intelligence and wisdom
Taught me to say I am sorry to the people I had wronged
Taught me that being poor didn’t mean you couldn’t have fun
Taught me to smile and laugh
Prayed for me every day
Taught me that life on Earth is short – put my hope in heaven
Gave me lots of hugs and kisses
Taught me to love, care for, and give to those in need
Told me not to be negative, always look on the bright side
Taught me that Jesus loves me
Taught me to respect my elders
Loved each other, even when times were tough
Taught me to use good hygiene
Taught me to love the outdoors
Told me I was a genius
Brought me to church every Sunday
Taught me how to have fun
Taught me to obey them
Clapped and cheered for me during my games and performances
Pointed out the beauty in everything
Taught me the difference between right and wrong
Showed me how to work hard
Taught me to be resourceful
Taught me that God made all things, great and small
Gave me opportunities and challenged me to improve
Taught me to love and care for animals
Told me to finish every job
Disciplined me when I deserved it
Taught me that all things work together for good for those who follow Christ
Taught me to listen when I was spoken to – not to interrupt
Taught me to be hospitable
Taught me not to talk back to them in a harsh or demeaning manner
Taught me how to be politely tenacious
Taught me to be creative

My parents, more than anything, love God and are blessed by Him for doing so. They are great examples of Christ’s love – He loves us unconditionally.

by Royce Waxenfelter

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