Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Voice of the Israelites

God heard the voice of the Israelites
And this is what they sang
They sang “Bring us back to the mother land
Away from this mud, straw and clay.”

I saw the daughter of pharaoh be a businesswoman 
She went down to the bank
Well she drew out a little prophet and
Delegated Miriam as her maid

I saw Moses grow up a conqueror 
He led armies to victory 
But deep down inside never satisfied 
His true people weren’t even free

When he watched an Israeli get beaten 
He took matters into his his own hands 
When he killed with bare hands the Egyptian
He knew there’d be no turning back

He ran far away to Midian 
Forty years in hiding
God appeared in a burning bush
To remind him of his true calling

God had heard the song of the Israelites
And this is what they sang
They sang “Bring us back to the mother land
Away from this mud, straw and clay.”

God sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh’s place
They bargained to free the slaves
But Pharaoh refused, he’d gotten used to
The monuments they made

Moses gave Pharaoh ten reasons
And said “let my people go.”
Pharaoh finally agreed but upon their release
Hardened his heart and said “no.”

He sent an army to chase them down 
With chariots and horses we’re told 
But God parted the sea for His people to flee
Then crashed the waves on the army who rode

After forty long years of wond’ring 
They crossed into the promised land
God had answered their song like He’s done all along

So sing to Him one and all
I hear the voice of the risen Israelites
With angels in great harmony
They sing “We’re no longer bound, God turned sin around,
Through Jesus: eternity!”

By Royce Waxenfelter 
To the tune of Saint James’ Infirmary

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