Tuesday, May 4, 2021


I wonder why you left me, in my pity I reject anyone’s grace

When they tell me it’ll be OK, they’re wrong, they’re just wrapping it in lace

There’s an echo in the hallway, it bounces off the walls throughout the place

I’ve gotta put some socks on ‘cause this cold tile floor sends chills up to my face

And there’s a reason, I just don’t know it

My winter season, and I am frozen

Will I ever be the same? I doubt it very much because I’m full of hate

The emptiness is like a cavern where the wicked demons infiltrate

The day you left I tried to call but your silence seemed to mock my very core

It felt like a knife stab straight into my heart, a pain I can’t ignore

Every now and then I lay out all the fancy dresses that you wore

And I lift them up to wipe away the tears out of my eyes as they pour

And there’s a reason, I just don’t know it

My winter season, and I am frozen

Will I ever be the same? I doubt it very much because I’m bruised and broken

And I haunt myself with all the love for you I know I should’ve spoken

Not a day goes by I don’t feel like your by my side, but then your not

There’s a flower upon the table, it’s drying up and dying in the pot

A symbol of my life without you here, watch my soul slowly rot

I torture myself with pictures of your smile, while my stomach’s in a knot

And there’s a reason, I just don’t know it

My winter season, and I am frozen

Will I ever be the same? I doubt it very much because you’re gone forever

And in my shame I call your name like you are here, a bitter, hopeless, sad endeavor 

I called in sick again today I just can’t seem to face the happy faces there

They walk around like you’re still here, I know the the truth but they don’t seem to care

And if I lose my job it’s just as well, heck, throw me into jail

Maybe there I can escape where others understand how cruel life isn’t fair

There’s a reason, I just don’t know it

My winter season, and I am frozen

Will I ever be the same? I doubt it very much because that is my plight

So I’ll wait in vain when I call your name out sadly in the night

When the call came through I shouted out to her “I don’t believe it’s true!”

I didn’t get to say goodbye and now my world's drenched in a blackened hue

When they lowered you down into the ground I felt like jumping in the grave with you

But since I didn’t now I curse that ground and each and every drop of morning dew

Well there’s a reason, I just don’t know it

My winter season, and I am frozen

Will I ever be the same? I doubt it very much because I cannot sleep 

I suppose I should forgive you but the hurt I feel inside is much too deep

The pastor stopped by yesterday to remind me that you’re gone

As if I needed a reminder but he said something else that didn’t sound so wrong

He said you may be gone but you're in Heaven where you belong

I broke down in tears and made a vow to join you in that great beyond

There’s a reason, now I know it

My winter season, is almost over

Will I ever be the same, I doubt it very much since God provided hope

He threw a lifeline overboard and from the depths I reached to grab the rope

There’s a reason, now I’m singing

My winter season, turned to spring and

I will never be the same, I’ll join you in eternity although you’re gone

You’re not gone forever because forever is our home

By Royce Waxenfelter


Monday, May 3, 2021

The End of Revenge

I once had a dream

Though it was not my own

To call up a storm

And make it my throne

It swirled round about me

It lifted me high

The lightning around me

Gave a thunderous cry

It filled me with power

To judge human kind

Without God’s discretion

With only my mind

So I traveled the oceans

I sped across land

I dealt blows to the wicked

With bolts from my hand

When I was finished

Not a single soul left

They had all been deemed wicked

At my whim, Earth bereft

But the storm kept raging

Tore every mountainous peak

It was hungry for justice

But whom did it seek?

As I rode the whirlwind

Across the face of a lake

I saw my reflection

Realized my mistake

The storm wasn’t finished

Retribution at hand

It was me it was seeking

To exact reprimand

As I woke from my vision

Knew my deserved plight

Could I ever escape it?

Could I change wrong to right?

So I went to the Creator

I asked for forgiveness

He washed my heart clean

From my own wickedness

Now when the storm seeks its vengeance

I seek help from above

By grace I escape it

‘Neath the banner of His love

If you ride the revenge storm

Until you see your reflection

Look to Jesus, He’ll save you

Provide Himself as protection

By Royce Waxenfelter


Note: Romans 3:23-24 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

Buttermilk not Buffalo

She likes buttermilk chicken not buffalo 

That southern gal I miss her so

I’m way up north, can barely cope

She’s in the sun I’m in the snow 

She likes shrimp and grits not hot poutine 

When I’m away I get so mean

It’s grey up here it’s all I’ve seen

I miss my little butter bean

She likes fried catfish not salted cod

And okra more than tapenade 

The northern folk just talk so odd

They call streets up here a promenade 

Take me back down south 

Get me outta this place

I miss the words from her mouth 

And the smile on her face

We’ll hop in my truck maybe fix my tire

And we’ll go settin’ the woods on fire

She’ll play fiddle, I’ll play guitar 

Then all my dreams won’t seem so far

She likes warm biscuits not bagel lox

She rides with me when I hunt fox

She’s barefoot there while I’m in socks

She’s more contagious than the chicken pox

She likes crawdad boils and fishing holes

And taters with her dinner rolls

My hearts on fire like burnin’ coals

For my southern gal from Muscle Shoals 

She wears overalls not long underwear 

She likes honeysuckle and the county fair

She’s the firefly in my southern air

Together we make quite a pair

Take me back down south 

Get me outta this place

I miss the words from her mouth 

And the smile on her face

We’ll hop in my truck maybe fix my tire

And we’ll go settin’ the woods on fire

She’ll play fiddle, I’ll play guitar 

Then all my dreams won’t seem so far

By Royce Waxenfelter 


Apple Butter

Across the seas in an old clay jar A journey vast, a journey far A small seed hidden amongst the cargo From Portugal west, on past Key Largo...