Friday, January 22, 2021

The Tempt

I’m takin’ the train back home
I’m takin’ the train back home
I lost ‘em in the rain, to the police I’m a pain
So I’m takin’ the train back home

Gonna slip in through the back door
Gonna slip in through the back door
Gonna kiss my sweet Marie and ask her to run with me
Then we’ll slip out back through the back door

Gonna head down south to Mexico
Gonna head down south to Mexico
Swim across the Rio Grande where we’ll make our weddin’ plan
Get married way down south in Mexico

We’ll build us a shack on the coast
We’ll build us a shack on the coast
Gonna build us a shack ‘cause we won’t be goin’ back
We’ll just stay in that shack on the coast

We’ll raise ourselves a family
We’ll raise ourselves a family
They’ll grow up like their pa and start runnin’ from the law
Turn their back on their only family

On second thought I won’t take that train
On second thought I won’t take that train
If I did my heart would break so I won’t make that mistake
No I won’t lose my children in vain

I realize I can’t escape my fate
I realize I can’t escape my fate
But I wonder what will be of my darlin’ sweet Marie
Will she end up with another lawless mate

So I’m takin’ that train back home
You know I’m takin’ that train back home
It may already to late but I’ll try to tempt my fate
I am takin’ that train back home

By Royce Waxenfelter
To the tune of ‘Last Fair Deal Gone Down’ by Robert Johnson

Monday, January 11, 2021


I have but a moment to write today midst the chaos of war and suffrin’

I beg take the time to read my say where I include my heart and lovin’

Will our banners hold up another day

Will our guns refrain from jammin’

Should we rest through the night on this bed of hay

Or will the bombs in our ears keep slammin’

Listen my dear how I miss you so, n’er again will I slander your cookin’

Your soft lovely skin and your flowing hair, oh darling you are so good lookin’

But much more than those I will n’er forget

For it does bring me the greatest pleasure

And I mention it here so you don’t regret

Your love for God is your greatest treasure

Ba, da dee, la da, da da-da de-da, la ba de di diddle dee-di dum (x2)

Say - a prayer - for me my dear  - and the men among my comp’ny

Place God’s hedge of protection ‘round us all and implore Him to give us mercy

I long for your smile and your kind, kind heart

Like a fire I cannot seem to quench it

And I dream of the day when we’re not apart

Far from death and the smell of these trenches

Please  - ask God - to forgive me now, I have caused much inj’ry and murder

I’m afraid of what might be the destiny of the soul of a humble soldier

If I survive will you marry me

For it would be my greatest honor

To raise with you a family

Gracious mother and proud father

Ba, da dee, la da, da da-da de-da, la ba de di diddle dee-di dum (x2)

I must say farewell to you now my love, I have a good reason to hurry 

An alarm tells of in-bound artill’ry shells so I close in a moment of worry

No matter what happens on this foreign shore

If I’m caught in the grip of the wrenches

My heart is yours forevermore

It cries out from these tombs and trenches

Ba, da dee, la da, da da-da de-da, la ba de di diddle dee-di dum (x2)

By Royce Waxenfelter


Note: to the tune of Mary and the Soldier by Paul Brady

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Grave

 I was walking outside of this bustling town

When color from a flower stole my glance from the ground

A harbinger of hope in this spring of our life

In awe, a reminder, there’s an end to the strife

I raised my eyes up beyond the flower of hope

A guard by a tomb in a stupor did grope

I asked, “Tell me sir, what are you trying to find?

What caused you to stumble, what made you go blind?”

Frightened he said, “A great warrior was he,

With an aura of light he did shine upon me.

He showed me I’m blind and it grieves me to say,

the stone of the tomb he rolled gravely away.”

So I entered the tomb where the body had laid

A shawl stained with blood, a great price had been paid

Overcomer of death, could it be the Messiah?

Did he conquer the grave? Did he walk through the fire?

Did he face down the soul snatching cauldrons of hell?

Retrieve the believers like water drawn from a well?

He said he is the way, the savior of all

But I denied his offer, I eschewed his kind call

I see now I judged Jesus, yet he’s the just judge

When he offers again, will I break, will I budge?

Will I accept his free gift of eternity with him?

Become free from this struggle and this burden of sin?

The hope of the flower it is now clear to me

A new life of hope, no more captivity

Restored to glory I gave up long ago

When I stopped seeking him I was failing to grow

His plan for me stretches past the end of my rope

He promises love, promises future and hope

Lord, why do you love when I doubted your divinity?

Why did you sacrifice your life for me?

From a view from the throne you sure took a great fall 

Suffering and shame you took once and for all

In vein it was not, deliberate and strong

What you did on the cross you had planned all along!

Now we’re free from the grave, it’s so easy you see

A good hearted-father to you and to me

Has extended a hand to loosen our binds 

He has healed broken-hearted, liberated our minds

Let the grave call you not to a suffering hell

Let Christ the Messiah draw you up from the well

To Heav’n everlasting in peace and his smile

His plan for all, he meant all of the while.

From a view from the throne Jesus took a great fall 

Suffering and shame He took once and for all

In vein it was not, deliberate and strong

What He did on the cross He had planned all along! 

By Royce Waxenfelter 


Note: to the tune of ‘The Green Fields of France’

Apple Butter

Across the seas in an old clay jar A journey vast, a journey far A small seed hidden amongst the cargo From Portugal west, on past Key Largo...