Thursday, March 2, 2017

Boat in a Moat

Don’t be stopped by rocks in your path, look around like a giraffe,


Find another way around, ask for help where it can be found.


Don’t be sleepy and stay in bed, start moving early to get ahead.


Don’t be a boring couch potato, grow in the sun like a big tomato.


Don’t be lazy - good for nothing, be someone - accomplish something!


Don’t be just another stick in the mud, join together and stop the flood.


Don’t be still like a bump on a log, be the jump of a friendly frog.


Don’t drink whiskey, don’t take drugs, instead, lend support and give out hugs.


Don’t think only of yourself; look for others who need your help.


Don’t be a leaky boat in a stagnant moat, be the motion in the surging ocean!


By Royce Waxenfelter


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