Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Songs of the Brokenhearted

Have you ever felt the pain
Of a love that ended wrong
Felt the failure of the loss
Then heard the suffering in a song
The song of the brokenhearted

Have you ever sobbed alone
Thoughts of hate toward those in love
You have more to offer than they do
Yet somehow they rose above
Your song of the brokenhearted

Now be done with that
Go out and live your life
Shrug off all the doubt
Throw away the strife
Those songs of the brokenhearted


I used to console myself
With a connection to despair
By listening to the words
Of singers who’d declare
The songs of the brokenhearted

I’d find meaning in the hurt
I’d pass the bitter cup
To anyone who’d listen
Will sympathy prop me up?
My song of the brokenhearted

Now I’m done with that
Gonna live my life
Shrug off all the doubt
Throw away the strife
The songs of the brokenhearted


I heard promises of truth
Of a savior who would care
He’d bring eyesight to the blind
And love's riches he would share
And heal the brokenhearted

I felt so torn up inside
I tried to scream and shout
But the frustration broke me down
And to Christ my soul cried out
Please Lord I’m brokenhearted

Now He healed my heart
Jesus guides my life
I shrug off the doubt
Kick away the strife
I’m no longer brokenhearted!

By Royce Waxenfelter

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