The story of Sonny & Brownie
Foundations of the blues
The bedrock of a feeling
Tugging at your walking shoes
Their sound was so full and soulful
They belted blues they knew first-hand
They played together for almost forty years
As they traveled ‘cross the land
Brownie McGhee played rhythm guitar
Though polio made his leg lame
He keeps in step while strumming
But howls blues outside the frame
Sonny Terry blows the harmonica
Blind since he was a teen
He made colors with his notes
Through the music he could see
The harmonica comes through
Like the whistle on a train
The rhythm guitar makes my leg bounce
During each refrain
On the way up to the microphone
Brownie would limp onto the stage
Leading Sonny by the hand
Then they’d both fly free from their cage
If you’ve never heard of these two bluesmen
Take some time to seek their sounds
Then close your eyes and tap your toes
Feel the rhythm as your heart pounds
By Royce Waxenfelter