Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Baptized and Sanctified

Soaring and chasing
Sifting sand
Time is wasting

Revolve around
Touching sound
Degenerate drowned

Singular senses surround
Slipping dimensions
Clocks unwound

Experience a moment
Take it all in
Feel with your soul
Let it begin

Remove human ceiling
Relinquish demands
Relax and breath easy

Bare feet in clover
Pressure released
Waves washing over

Revival, refreshing
Benefits bring
Basking in blessing

Experience a moment
Take it all in
Feel with your soul
Let yourself win

Forever forgiven
Endless endeavor
Life ever living

Grow, heal, mend
Released from the hound
Unbound unburdened

Rest where you drifted
Fear behind you
Soul uplifted

Experience a moment
Take it all in
Feel with your soul
Let go of sin

By Royce Waxenfelter

Note: This is about the relief and hope I had when I was baptized and set apart for God. Having my old sin nature behind me, drowned in the river, gave me new life and a peace I will never forget. Being forgiven is amazing; being free to NOT sin is liberating.

Silent truth is never heard

I woke up this morning and rubbed my eyes
Put up my hoodie as my disguise
Went outside and looked up at the skies
Why does the sun shine down on so many lies?

So I ducked down an alley, went to the store

Have everything I need but I need some more

Never ending cycle of consumer flow

River to the ocean, ocean to the shore

Why can’t we stop the nonsense?

It always ends in violence

Is it programmed compliance

Which leads me to my silence?

Went downtown, so curious

Got caught in the middle of protests

Lined up with all the suspects

Kicked out with all the rejects

Maybe I should’ve been vocal

Been more direct, more focal

Now I’m headed home like some yokel

I missed my chance at folk lore

Why do I let some treat others

Different than I treat my own mother?

Those who don't have a voice get smothered

I don’t stand up for them, I take cover

Sat up at night and watched TV

Newscaster’s trying to teach me

Wants me to believe what he tells me

Asks me to buy what he sells me

It’s part of what disquiets me

We let truth twist around like a tire swing

I think I’ll do what God tells me

Risk being banished from so-called society

Murder in the womb is not OK

But why should you listen to what I say

Where does truth live? What does God say?

We know, but ignore, so we fall prey

We call up when it’s down but we’re unsure

Take this test if you want to be sure

If it were your daughter would you hurt her?

By my silence I am guilty of murder

I’ll wake up tomorrow and rub my eyes

Will I hide behind some old disguise

Will I look at the sun and wonder why

I let my friends believe all of the lies?

Morality is more elusive

Than the fastest hummingbird 

Yet I must stand for justice 

Silent truth is never heard

By Royce Waxenfelter 


Note: This is about my longing for justice for unborn babies being killed in the womb by the millions every year and my tendency to not talk about it for fear of offending someone. I try to justify it by thinking the mas slaughter itself should be offensive enough. Sometimes I feel that abortion is to me what Nineveh was to Jonah. Why do I try to hide from an omniscient God? Why don't I stand for truth?

Apple Butter

Across the seas in an old clay jar A journey vast, a journey far A small seed hidden amongst the cargo From Portugal west, on past Key Largo...