Friday, January 25, 2013

Barbeque Stew

Now don’t be alarmed if I’m down on the farm and I’m dreamin’ ‘bout barbeque
And don’t find it strange when I’m home from the range and I’m slurpin’ barbeque stew

Barbeque stew
With carrots and potaters
Barbeque stew
With moo cow and tomaters

Now don’t make a joke about hickory smoke or you’ll be lickin’ it off your shoe
And don’t give a snub to the barbeque rub that I put in my barbeque stew

Barbeque stew
With carrots and potaters
Barbeque stew
With moo cow and tomaters

By Royce Waxenfelter

All in All

I am a ray I am essence of light I inhabit a leaf On the limb of a tree I fall to the ground Melt into the soil Maker of nature The holder o...